15 years ago…

Well, technically it was 15 years yesterday, but somehow I missed it. But, has it really been that long?! Where as time flown by to?! Oh to be able to catch it or go find it and get some of it back. I was talking to a friend earlier and when I said ohh man?! … Continue reading 15 years ago…

First Camping Trip in the TEARDROP!

As some of you know my year started off on a not so good note. Car wreck that totaled my car on the 1st of January but it didn't take long for my luck begin to change. I was able to get my dream car within a matter of a week, hand controls installed and … Continue reading First Camping Trip in the TEARDROP!

Finally got a camper I can call MINE!

Gah I know it's been a while guys and I apologize but ALOT has been going on. First starters, the week before Spring Break I was on a last-minute mission to find a teardrop camper. You Swift Outdoor Accessible Recreation is a non-profit organization that has put a lot of faith into me. Not only … Continue reading Finally got a camper I can call MINE!